When someone dies
Let us help guide you in what to do when someone dies, whether expected or unexpectedly. We are here to help ease your stress.

What to do immediately
When someone dies, there are a few people to contact. Contact us on 07 578 3338 any time of the day or night, and we’ll walk you through exactly what needs to happen next and support you to make these calls.
Once you’ve got in touch with us, look after yourself. Even an expected death can be distressing. Contact your family, and make sure you have the support you need.

Take your time...
We’ll come when you’re ready. Many families like to spend time with their loved one before we come to take care of their body. This is your time and there’s no rush.
When you’re ready, call us on 07 578 3338.
Questions to consider
We’ll also ask if you know whether you’d prefer your loved one to be buried or cremated. If you don’t know, you don’t need to make an immediate decision. Cremation requires special paperwork from a doctor, which we can arrange for you.
Once you’re ready, we’ll come to transfer your loved one into our care. We’ll gently transfer their body into our car, using a stretcher. We’ll ask if you’ve chosen clothing for your loved one, and whether you’d like family to visit. You can care for your loved one at home or visit them at our rooms in Tauranga, Mount Maunganui or Katikati.
The funeral planning meeting
When you’re ready to discuss how you’d like to honour your loved one, we’ll come to you for a funeral planning meeting.
We’ll help you plan a funeral true to your loved one’s life and values, explaining all your options. Personalising services is our specialty, and no request is too small or too hard. You may like to confirm the venue and time of the service at this meeting, so you can tell family and friends.
Once we understand the service you’d like, we can give you an indication of costs, followed by a detailed estimate. We’ll leave you with an information pack, where we record important details, your wishes for the funeral and any requirements we need from you.
Why funerals matter
Take the Time to Talk
"Every human being in this world is unique. They are welcomed into this world by the living. They should be farewelled from this world by the living. It's a gift to be able to say goodbye to someone you love and not feel alone in your grief"
Do Take the Time to Talk - a meaningful farewell is your gift to them.
If your loved one say's they don't want a funeral tell them Jane's story. Hear Jane's story here:
What do your loved ones need when you're gone?
Your meaningful farewell is for your loved ones. Preplanning and prepaying your funeral will allow your loved ones to gather together, support one another, remember and celebrate your life, without the reponsibility of making difficult choices in very emotional circumstances.
Take the time to talk today to your family and Funeral Director to create a meaningful farewell for you and your loved ones when you're gone.
Where to start
Share your life story
Funerals shouldn’t be the only time we hear wonderful stories about someone we love. Start the conversation now, learn and share all there is to know. Rather than it being a sad conversation, sharing stories can be an enjoyable, comforting event for you and your family.
Start by asking, or sharing, stories about simple occurrences in your life – such as a first job, the purchase of your first car, a mentor or person who taught you a life lesson – all these stories help build a picture of a life which can be honoured and celebrated at the appropriate time.
How to have Meaningful Conversations
There’s no right or wrong way to Take the Time to Talk – the important thing is to start. You don’t need to cover everything in one sitting – the aim is simply to share memories, enjoying time together learning about the past and about hopes for the future.
- What story do you remember most about your parents?
- What’s your happiest childhood memory?
- What was your first car and how much did you pay for it?
- Who was your first love and how did it happen?
- Can you think of a mentor you had who helped shape your thinking?
- What did you do for a living and what lessons did your work life teach you?
- Can you think of an incident that made you laugh until you cried?
- What were your favourite games as a child?
- Did you have pets and what were they?
- Family photos, treasured items from your childhood, even family jewellery or books are items that can bring back memories and help the conversation flow.
Sharing your final farewell preferences is an incredibly thoughtful gift to offer your family
There are so many aspects to a final farewell including decisions such as who will give the eulogy or say some final words, what you would like to wear for your final farewell, and what music you would like played. Each of these components plays an important role in the value of a funeral and shouldn’t necessarily be left up to others to decide. Do you really want your helpful Aunt Mabel to pick your final outfit, or super eager cousin Brian to deliver your life story?
Some people say they don’t want a fuss, and even suggest they don’t need a funeral. As Funeral Directors, we know that being able to gather, remember and celebrate a person’s life allows family and friends to say goodbye in the most meaningful way. Creating a farewell event allows them to begin the journey of saying goodbye.
Families are keen to do the best to honour their loved one, but differing opinions within families can really add to tension at an already difficult time. Families that have had these Take the Time to Talk conversations ahead of time have a much easier path planning the funeral. By sharing your wishes ahead of time your family don't need to worry about if they are getting things right for you - they can focus on supporting each other at this difficult time.
Contact us anytime
Bereavement can be hard. We’re here to talk any time of the day or night.